KHAS Events


In the year 2022, Kadir Has University took the initiative to curate and host a diverse array of events that spanned across a multitude of fields and interests. These events were designed to engage and captivate a wide-ranging audience, offering unique opportunities for intellectual enrichment, cultural exploration, and community involvement. To explore the complete roster of these stimulating gatherings and to access additional details, we invite you to peruse our comprehensive events list, where you can find all the information you need to stay informed and engaged.



The lively and dynamic cultural environment of Kadir Has University is well-known, as both staff and students work together to create a rich tapestry of artistic expression and involvement. Our institution acts as a vibrant center for a vast range of cultural activities all year long, exhibiting the extraordinary abilities and inventiveness of our student body.
During these gatherings, our staff members and students unite to celebrate their love of the arts by taking part in a wide range of activities that span the disciplines of painting, dance, theater, and music. By giving artists a stage on which to express their creativity and giving the general public an opportunity to engage with a wide range of cultural experiences, these events improve the university's overall academic and cultural atmosphere.
A testament to Kadir Has University's dedication to promoting creativity, self-expression, and a sense of community, cultural events range from captivating dance recitals that celebrate the beauty of movement to mesmerizing theatrical performances that transport audiences to other worlds. Visually stunning paintings that evoke deep emotions are also a feature of these events.
These gatherings provide a stage for promoting a feeling of inclusion, diversity, and unity in addition to showcasing artistic ability.