Computer Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Industrial Engineering Energy Systems Engineering Management Information Systems Bioinformatics and Genetics |
Non-Kadir Has Faculty Members 1. Prof. Dr. Birgül Kutlu Bayraktar (Boğaziçi University) 2. Prof. Dr. Nihat Berker (Sabancı University) 3. Prof. Dr. Hakan Cirpan (Istanbul Technical University) 4. Prof. Dr. Burak Erman (Koç University) 5. Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Kaylan (Boğaziçi University) 6. Prof. Dr. Pınar Mengüç (Özyeğin University) 7. Prof. Dr. Sema Oktuğ (Istanbul Technical University) Industry Representatives: 8. Müjdat Altay (NETAŞ 9. Prof.Dr. Ahmet Bolat / Dr. Zeliha Akça (THY) 10. Cüneyt Sabırcan, NETWORK SERVICES Department Alumni 11. Aysel Bilay Aydın (Computer Engineering) 12. Gizem Çağlayan (Electronics Engineering) 13. Turgay Kayaer (Industrial Engineering) |
Economy |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceyhun Elgin (Boğaziçi University) Dr. Gönül Şengül (CBRT). Bachelor's Degree: Simge Günay (M.Sc. student) |
International Relations |
Dila Til Hanşin Doğan Gencer Özcan Beril Dedeoğlu (Graduate, graduate student) |
Political Science and Public Administration |
Sönmez İkde (Graduate, SME manager) Prof. Dr. Ahmet İçduygu (Bilgi University) On behalf of Osman Kavala, Zümray Kutlu (Anadolu Kültür A.Ş.) |
Psychology |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Beyazıt (Sabancı University) Dr. Exp. Psi. Ekin Eremsoy (Shadow Psychological Counseling) Exp Psi. Duygu Buga (Turkish Psychological Association Dir. Kur. Member) |
Company |
Prof. Dr. Nimet Uray (ITU) Erhan Güneş (graduate; SME manager) Müge Bıyık (TOFAŞ) |
International Trade and Finance |
Prof. Dr. İrini Dimitriyadis (Bahçeşehir University) Fatih Çetiz (Department Graduate) Rifat Ebeoglu Atilla Çağlak (Synthesis Tourism) |
Kadir Has Faculty Members 1. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Akipek Öcal (Dean of the Faculty of Law, Kadir Has University) 2. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akad (Director of Kadir Has University Vocational School of Justice) 3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Reyda Ergün (Kadir Has University Faculty of Law) 4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Aysun Altunkaş (Kadir Has University Faculty of Law) 5. Asst. Prof. Dr. İpek Sevda Söğüt (Kadir Has University Faculty of Law) Non-Kadir Has Faculty Members 6. Prof. Dr. Hamide Zafer (Marmara University Faculty of Law) Professional Chamber and Other 7. Atty. Berra Besler (Vice President of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations) 8. Atty. Sunay Akyıldız (Istanbul Bar Association Lawyer - Mediator) 9. Atty. N. Kaan Karcılıoğlu (Lawyer at Law of Istanbul Bar Association) 10. Nevin Köseoğlu (Retired Judge of the Commercial Court of First Instance) 11. Atty. İsmihan Okyay Çoban (Garanti Bank Legal Counsel) 12. Atty. Hasan Güzelöz (Doğuş Holding Legal Counsel) 13. Serpil Olgun (Çorlu 4. Notary) Department Alumni 14. Res. Asst. Argun Karamanlıoğlu (Kadir Has University Faculty of Law- Kadir Has University Faculty of Law First Graduate) |
15. Atty. Gamze Özpirinçci (Lawyer at Law of Istanbul Bar Association - Kadir Has University Faculty of Law Graduate) |
Public Relations and Publicity, Visual Communication Design, New Media Radio, Television and Cinema Advertising |
1. Başar Başar (Rts) 2. Baris Pirhasan 3. Melda Cinmen Simsek (Pr) 4. Smile Head (Pr) 5. Saradar Pakteen (PR) 6. Tolga Alemdar (Cd) 7. Paul Mac Millan (Cd) 8. Uttu Lomlu (CD) 9. Tuna (Cd) 10. Erhan Acar (Nm) |
Department of Industrial Design |
Non-Kadir Has Faculty Members 1. Prof. Dr. Oğuz Bayrakçı, Faculty Member (Retired, Head of MSGSU Department) 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Asatekin (Faculty Member, Bahçeşehir University, METU Founding Head of Department (Retired) Freelancers 3. Ümit Altun (Industrial Designer, Um Design) 4. Dr. Orhan Irmak (Industrial Designer, Orhan Irmak Design) 5. Ali Zengin (Design Team Leader, Hexagon Design Studio) Professional Chamber and Other 6. Sertaç Ersayin (Chairman, ETMK, Industrial Designers Professional Organization) 7. Murat Akyüz (Member of the Board of Directors of Turkish Exporters Assembly, Chairman of the Chemicals and Products Sector Board of the Tim Sectors Council, President of the Istanbul Chemicals and Products Exporters' Association) Department Alumni 8. Selin Koşağan (Department Graduate, Industrial Designer, Art Works) 9. Alp Aruca (Department Graduate, Industrial Designer, Şişecam Sanayi A.Ş.) |
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design |
Non-Kadir Has Faculty Members 1. Doç. Dr. Sedef Doğaner (İç Mimarlık Bölümü, Graduate Advisor Of Ecord At Utsa College Of Architecture, The University Of Texas At San Antonio, A.B.D.) 2. Yrd. Doc. Dr. Nilgun Turan Freelancers 3. Emre Evrenos (DEADALUS co-founder) Professional Chamber and Other 4. Taner Gültekin (Chamber of Interior Architects Istanbul Branch President) 5. Mine Arbay (Chamber of Interior Architects Istanbul Branch Vice President) Department Graduate 6. Spring Archer |
Department of Architecture |
Non-Kadir Has Faculty Members 1. Prof. Dr. Mine Özkar (Istanbul Technical University) 2. Prof. Dr. Gülsüm Baydar (Izmir Yaşar University) 3. Prof. Dr. Ülker Çopur (Roger Williams University, USA) Freelancers 4. Emre Arolat (EAA-Emre Arolat Architects, İstanbul) 5. Nevzat Sayın (Nevzat Sayın Architects, Istanbul) 6. Bihan Karahan (Bihan Krahn Architects, New York, Abd) Professional Chamber and Other 7. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan (Academician and Professional Chamber Representative, Middle East Technical University) 8. Ömer Kanipak (Architect, Istanbul) 9. Meriç Öner (Architect/Researcher, Salt Galata, Istanbul) Department Alumni The department has not yet graduated |
Department of Theatre |
Non-Kadir Has Faculty Members 1. Prof. Dr. Kerem Karaboğa (Head of the Department of Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy, Istanbul University) 2. Yiğit Sertdemir (Director, Actor, Writer; Lecturer at Mimar Sinan University, Permanent Artist in City Theaters; After Six Theatre and Piggy Bank50 General Art Director) |
Freelancers 3. Haluk Bilginer (Successful experienced actor from the industry, founder and general art director of the game workshop) 4. Taner Birsel (Successful Experienced Actor from the Sector) Professional Chamber and Other 5. Meltem Cumbul (Successful experienced actress from the sector, lecturer at Mimar Sinan University and Bahçeşehir University, President of the Actors Union) 6. Ceyda Düvenci (Successful young actress from the sector, Film and Drama Master's Degree Graduate, Member of the Board of Directors of the Actors' Union) 7. Tülin Özen (Successful Young Actress from the Industry) Department Alumni 8. Dolunay Pircioğlu (Department Graduate, City Theater Actor) |
Banking and Insurance, Real Estate and Asset Valuation, Accounting and Finance Management International Trade and Logistics |
1. Prof.Dr. Murat Çokgezen – Faculty Member, Economist - Marmara University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics 2. Prof.Dr. Niyazi Berk – Faculty Member, Finance Specialist - Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Social Sciences 3. Dr. Cüneyt Dirican – Finance and Banking Specialist, Consultant, Lecturer - Ecole İstanbul Professional Information Services 4. Dr. Mehmet Yazıcı – Banking and Project Services Specialist, Consultant, Lecturer- Sinerji Consulting 5. İsmail Işık- Senior Bank Manager – Finansbank Close Monitoring and Monitoring Department. 6. Volkan Yedikardaşlar – Real Estate Appraiser, Galata Real Estate Appraisal 7. Çisil Seda Çetintaş – Ubyo Graduate, Sector Worker 8. Samet Gürsu, Logistics Specialist, Member of the Board of Directors of Hareket Logistics 9. Ramazan Midilli, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vinçer 10. Sadık Durmuş, Logistics Specialist, Gayret Industrial Transportation, 11. Prof.Dr. Mustafa Karaşahin, Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul University, Faculty Member 12. Mert Aydın, Ubyo Graduate, Borusan Lojistik |
Vocational School of Justice |
1. Prof.Dr. Mehmet Akad (KHAS) 2. Prof.Dr. Orhan Şener (KHAS) 3. Assistant Professor Ertyan Aid (KHAS) 4. Yard.Dr. Dr. Nilay Arat (Special) 5. Lecturer Bağan Gidersoy (IU, Faculty of Law, Amyo) 6. Lawyer Berra Besler (Vice President of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations) 7. Seyit Güneş (Retired Judge) 8. Meliha Güneş (Notary) 9. Emin Diriarın (Retired Executive Director) 10. Volkan Bekgöz (Khas, ADMYO Graduate) |

Our mentors & sectoral business partners:
Kadir Has University actively collaborates with government departments on projects aimed at social development and youth empowerment. For example, in partnership with Silivri Municipality, Kadir Has University organized a special project to enhance language skills among young people. Through this collaboration, the Silivri Education Academy launched its second Free English Course in 2023, benefiting students between the ages of 9-15.
Held at Kadir Has University's Selimpaşa Campus, the Conversational English Program aimed to improve students' practical language abilities. The training took place in two sessions: the first from July 3, 2023, to August 3, 2023, and the second from August 7, 2023, to September 7, 2023. At the end of the program, 80 students received certificates, marking their achievement in English proficiency. This project demonstrates our university’s commitment to initiatives that support local communities, provide equal opportunities, and foster skills essential for future success.