Gender Equality Plan




Gender inequality is still one of the most common social problems both in Turkey and throughout the world in particular as a matter of justice and human rights. The problem of gender inequality includes the types of marginalization and discrimination faced by individuals based on gender. This covers all types of current practices and power imbalances concerning social patterns that appear as gender-based violence and discrimination. To attain the target of gender equality, it is required to question the power imbalances and unequal gender dynamics and, encourage fair access to resources and opportunities.

All people must be treated fairly and with dignity without any discrimination based on gender, ethnic origin, belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, and similar grounds, which is a matter of human rights. As an academic institution embracing universal values, Kadir Has University also accepts this approach. As it is provided in article 10 of our Constitution, “Everyone is equal before the law without distinction as to language, race, color, sex, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, and sect, or any such grounds.” Article 10 of the Constitution guarantees that it is the positive and direct obligation of the state to put into practice gender equality and, that positive action will not mean discrimination (Additional paragraph: 7/5/2004-5170/Article 1).

Our country is also one of the parties to the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Gender equality is one of the Sustainable Development Goals that are explained in 17 articles by the United Nations. Likewise, gender equality is one of the priority policies of the Council of Europe of which Turkey is a member, and the Council of Europe sets forth the targets and methods in the Gender Equality Strategy documents in order to put into practice this policy.

Considering the academic principles and the objectives of the Policy on Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination; the Policy Document Intended to Prevent Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault as well as the Directives and Practices of the Unit to Prevent Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault; the research, projects and activities of the Gender and Women Studies Research Center on gender inequality and the Gender Studies Ph.D. Program, Kadir Has University is one of the few universities that directly deal with gender-based inequalities in Turkey and, has committed itself to serving as a role model developing the best practices in terms of gender equality.

The main objectives the KHAS Gender Equality Plan (GEP) are as follows:

  1. Eliminate gender-based discriminatory practices in the fields of recruitment, employment security and career development of employees and, create practices intended to improve gender equality.
  2. Make visible gender unbalances in the decision-making processes and take measures to establish gender equality to improve collaborative and coherent working processes, engagement, and transparency.
  3. Create and make sustainable a safe and supportive working environment, where there is no gender-based violence, and there is no discrimination in conducts and behaviors for academic and administrative staff, the outsourced personnel, and the students.
  4. Strengthen the balance of gender by means of considering the gender perspective in all the scientific fields for both the content of research and various processes of research such as the formation of teams, and the publication of results.

In order to attain these objectives, within the framework of the GEP, Kadir Has University aims to take necessary steps in:

  • Corporate culture, management, and leadership mechanisms as well as corporate directions, encouragements and directives,
  • All the areas and processes forming the campus climate and during the procedures intended to further strengthen the gender equality perspective among the academic and administrative staff, the outsourced employees, and the students,
  • Career development, the management of recruitment and promotion processes, the consideration of work-life balance, as well as private/temporary conditions concerning private life such as birth, having children, the necessity to take care of relatives for leaves and promotions,
  • Educational processes and curricula and,
  • Research processes,

in order to ensure and enforce the gender equality policies and principles.



To prevent any type of gender-based discrimination and sexist attitudes and behaviors within the framework of the main themes listed in detail above within the organization of Kadir Has University, the KHAS Gender Equality Action Plan has been drafted in a way that contains the details on the information, enforcement and application aspects thereof.


  1. Corporate Culture, Management, and Leadership

Gender Equality Committee

A Gender Equality Committee (GEC) will be established, which is to be identified by and will operate reporting to the President. This committee will consist of academic staff, administrative staff and students, and meet on a regular basis to determine policies and make efforts in respect of gender equality. For the formation of the GEC, those who work in the field of gender equality and who are trained in this field will be prioritized. The GEC makes efforts to ensure not only the permanent staff and students of the university but also the businesses serving to our university and their employees accommodate themselves to the policies in the field of gender equality.  Accordingly, the main tasks of the committee will be the activities of due diligence, continuing education, and monitoring and evaluation.  The efforts made within the organization of the GEC will be reported to the senior management on a regular basis.

Due Diligence: The GEC will carry out necessary quantitative and qualitative data collections intended to determine the current condition of Kadir Has University in respect of gender equality. Within the scope of these efforts, the data will be analyzed in respect of the titles of researchers and academic staff, the male & female percentages by faculties, departments and units, and the male female male percentages among the conductors and researchers of the research projects and, the authors of the publications. In addition, the conditions and needs of those who feel that they are exposed to discrimination due to their gender identity and sexual orientation among the university staff and students will be identified by means of the reports from the Unit to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault (UPSHSA).

Continuing Education: Seminars, workshops and projects will be organized with the participation of all the stakeholders within the scope of a time schedule that is to be jointly prepared by the faculties and the KHAS GEC in order to enhance the knowledge and awareness of the academicians, researchers, administrative staff, outsourced personnel and students in respect of sexual discrimination, and the affects thereof will be measured in a structured way.

Monitoring and Evaluation: After the formation of the KHAS GEC, the statistical and qualitative studies detailed under the title “Due Diligence” will be renewed every year, and the developments will be monitored and reported by the KHAS GEC to the President.




Subject/Evidence to Discuss

Planned Action

Time Schedule

Responsible Person/Unit/Department


Success Indicators










Corporate Governance

Leadership & Management

Improvement of gender equality in the main commissions where decisions are made

Guarantee the continuity of an egalitarian gender balance







At least %40 female members in all the commissions

Corporate Governance

Leadership & Management

Lack of education in respect of gender equality

Integration of the online gender equality training to the administrative and academic staff in the promotion and employment contract renewal processes






The Gender and Women Studies Research Center, The Directorate of Human Resources


50% of the academic and administrative staff receiving the training

Corporate Governance

Audit Policy & Practices

Improvement of the policies and the respective units to fight harassment, mobbing, sexual assault, and violence

Ensure that the policy and the respective unit are announced (through MyKhas and on the website) and all the KHAS society members are informed accordingly




The UPSHSA, The Directorate of Human Resources

The policy is available on the MyKhas and KHAS website, and both the policy and unit are announced to the KHAS society

Corporate Governance

Audit Policy & Practices

Improvement of the processes for data collection, publication, and reporting based on gender


Ensure that the data are maintained and reported on the basis of gender in order to monitor the progress and, correct the deficiencies if any




The Directorate of Institutional Research and Assessment , the UPSHSA, The Directorate of Human Resources, The Directorate of Operation and Purchasing





Maintain and report the data separated based on the gender equality

Corporate Governance

Audit Policy & Practices

Improvement of the University’s Quality System with the aims for gender equality

Integration of the gender equality policies and the Gender Equality Plan with the Quality System and the strategic plan of the university




The Directorate of Institutional Research and Assessment

A page on the KHAS website, where the Gender Equality Plan and the data on gender equality are made available


  1. Campus Climate

Our university aims to create a campus climate, which is egalitarian, libertarian, dialogue-based, engaging, inclusive, accessible to all the society members and where any type of gender-based discriminatory attitude, behavior and practice are completely excluded. It is one of the priorities of our university in respect of the campus climate to ensure that all the members, in particular, the students, academic and administrative personnel and outsourced personnel, are aware of the concept of gender equality.




Subject/Evidence to Discuss

Planned Action

Time Schedule

Responsible Person/Unit/Department


Success Indicators










Campus Climate



Lack of knowledge of the students in respect of the perception of gender at the campus

Planning of focus groups with the students




The Directorate of Institutional Research and Assessment, The Gender and Women Studies Research Center

Focus groups



Campus Climate



Enhance the visibility of gender at the campus

Use of stickers, posters and other materials on the boards; organization of gender-based exhibitions, theaters and forums




The Campus Life Office, The Corporate Communication

Physical and online materials, exhibitions, plays, forums and similar events

Campus Climate



Enhance the awareness of gender at the campus

Provision of training on gender equality




The Gender and Women Studies Research Center

Training on gender equality, the number and percentages of the participants

Campus Climate



Awareness of the sub-employers and the outsourced personnel

Questionnaires with the sub-employers and outsourced personnel; improvement of gender balance in the process of recruitment; challenging the gender stereotypes in the process of recruitment (e.g. female shuttle vehicle drivers); directives on the expectations from the sub-employers




The Directorate of Operation and Purchasing

Preparation of a code of conduct for the sub-employers and employees and, inclusion thereof into their contracts

Additional training on gender-based violence to the security staff

Campus Climate



Enhance the engagement of the students and student clubs

Training to the students and student clubs on gender; training of trainers; development of a co-presidency system for the student clubs


Gender projects with the participation of the students




The Campus Life Office, Core Program

Training and projects to the student clubs

Campus Climate



Increase the number of male participants in the Gender Equality Plan

Organization of training programs and workshops with both the employees and students in order to discuss on how to increase the number of male participants in the efforts for gender equality




The Gender and Women Studies Research Center, Core Program

Training programs focusing on males



  1. Career Development, Recruitment Process and Work-Life Balance

There is already a gender balance established in our university in respect of the number of both the students and the academic and administrative staff. In addition, significant steps have been taken with the intention to ensure gender equality in the employment and performance directives after the updates thereon in 2018, 2019 and 2020. There have been some improvements, for example, an academic person who takes a maternity/parental leave will not be included in the annual performance for a period of one year following the year they restarted to work, and the period used for these leaves will be added to the periodic performance period. Nevertheless, the concept of gender equality is a dynamic area so that it must be continuously monitored in the career development and recruitment processes, and thus the current improvement areas must be identified and, new practices must be developed accordingly. Our university takes necessary steps in cooperation with the KHAS GEC and the Directorate of Human Resources in order to ensure gender equality in the career development and recruitment processes.




Subject/Evidence to Discuss

Planned Action

Time Schedule

Responsible Person/Unit/Department


Success Indicators










Career Development

Professional Development

The percentage of female employees is getting decreased as the position is getting higher

Development of a mentorship system for female employees




The President, The General Secretary, The Directorate of Human resources, The Gender and Women Studies Research Center

The number and percentage of female employees receiving mentorship and, the percentage by gender and position

Career Development


Professional Development

Lack of representation of the female doctoral students

Encourage the female students in the undergraduate programs to apply to the master’s degree and doctoral programs





The School of Graduate Studies, The Scholarship Committee

Percentages of female graduate and doctoral students

Career Development

Professional Development

Enhancement of support mechanisms for the researchers at the beginning of their careers (Ph.D. Candidates, Assistant Professors, Research Assistants)

Training in respect of career development, funding opportunities and publication methods/tips




The Directorate of R&D Resources

3 training programs organized in a year and at least 70% of the female employees attending these training programs

Career Development

Professional Development

Mentorship for undergraduate students

Joint efforts with non-governmental organizations such as KAGİDER, TurkishWIN, CampusWIN for the development of mentorship and leadership for female students




The Career Office, The Campus Life Office, The Student Clubs, The Gender and Women Studies Research Center

Training and mentorships provided

Career Development


Employee Profile

Improvement of the respective processes in the HR system concerning the data separated by gender

Ensure that the HR system maintains the data separated by gender for all the areas




The Directorate of Human Resources




The HR keeps the data on the following subjects on the basis of gender equality. personnel, recruitment, promotions, those quitting, and use of the business-life balance provisions

Career Development


Improvement of the recruitment practices

Formation of regulations/procedures intended to create a recruitment system established based on gender equality and diversity containing practices to enhance the diversity of candidates and employees; preparation of a text for job adverts referring to gender equality and diversity




The President, The General Secretary, The Directorate of Human Resources, The Directorate of Corporate Communication, The Gender and Women Studies Research Center

Regulations and procedures drafted

Addition of a text for job adverts highlighting the concept of gender equality and diversity

Career Development



Provision of training on gender equality to all the university members within the scope of the employee orientation programs

Creation of training and workshops on gender equality; inclusion of gender equality into the employee orientation programs




The Directorate of Human Resources, The Directorate of Student Affairs, the Directorate of Operation and Purchasing

Training and workshops

Informing all the employees of the gender equality policy and practices



Career Development

Business & Life Balance

Ensure that the paternity leaves are efficiently used.

Announcement of the paternity leave policy (MyKhas and website) ensuring that both the academic and administrative staff benefits from this policy


Training on paternity to the employees who are to take their paternity leaves






The President, The General Secretary, The Directorate of Human Resources

The paternity leave policy made available on MyKhas and KHAS website


  1. Educational Processes and Curriculum

All the faculties and departments will set and announce their targets for the gender equality in compliance with the KHAS Gender Equality Plan detailed hereunder, monitoring the results thereof and, considering them in the respective performance evaluation processes.

A short paragraph, which summarizes the policies against any type of violence and discrimination in all the processes of the university including the courses and activities affiliated therewith, and the rules and sanctions considering thereto, to all the curricula, and this text will highlight the safeguarding of gender equality. In addition, it will be encouraged to include the gender equality aspect in the respective course into the curricula.




Subject/Evidence to Discuss

Planned Action

Time Schedule

Responsible Person/Unit/Department


Success Indicators










Gender in Education

Culture & Curriculum

Courses on gender across the university

Provision of gender courses to all the students




Faculties, The School of Graduate Studies, Core Program

Addition of new courses to the pool of (elective) courses

Gender in Education

Culture & Curriculum

Gender equality in STEM

Planning and enforcement of activities for STEM




Faculties, The School of Graduate Studies, Core Program

Education, workshops and events for STEM

Gender in Education

Culture & Curriculum

Development of a sensitive language in respect of gender equality

Directives for inclusive communication (Language and visual descriptions)




The Gender and Women Studies Research Center,

Directorate of Corporate Communications

Development and enforcement of directives for inclusive communication

Gender in Education

Culture & Curriculum

Ensuring gender equality in education; enhancement of the dialogue and engagement among the male and female students

Informing the academic personnel to enhance gender equality and engagement in the classrooms




The Gender and Women Studies Research Center

Informing the academic staff of gender equality and engagement in the classrooms

Gender in Education

Culture & Curriculum

Ensuring that the students are efficiently informed of the university’s anti-discrimination and gender-based policies

Addition of a chapter focusing on anti-discrimination, gender equality and diversity aspects in all syllabi




The Education Committee

Addition of a chapter based on gender equality and diversity in syllabi



  1. Research

It is one of the priorities of our university in the field of research to monitor the gender data in the research deliverables such as research projects and publications, and to develop and put into practice a mentorship system in the respective areas. It is aimed to ensure improvement through a merit-based system in terms of fulfilling the criteria of appointments and promotions by means of enhancing the research competencies and deliverables of all the faculty members and researchers, leading to equality between men and women among the academic staff for all positions.

It is one of the main approaches of our university to safeguard gender equality in all the research processes and all the events, where the research deliverables are shared internally and externally such as conferences and panels in line with our gender equality approach.




Subject/Evidence to Discuss

Planned Action

Time Schedule

Responsible Person/Unit/Department


Success Indicators










Gender in Research

Gender & Research

Gender equality in research processes and deliverables

Monitoring the gender data within the scope of the research processes and deliverables




The Gender and Women Studies Research Center, The Directorate of R&D Resources, The Directorate of Institutional Research and Assessment

Percentages of male and female coordinators and researchers in research projects


Percentages of male and female authors of publications and articles

Gender in Research

Gender & Research

A supporting mechanism aiming for gender equality in research processes

Development of a mentorship system aiming for gender equality in the scope of research projects and publications




The Gender and Women Studies Research Center, The Directorate of R&D Resources, The Directorate of Institutional Research and Assessment

The number and percentage of female employees receiving mentorship and, the percentages or male and female researchers by research deliverables